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Farm Happenings at Hillcrest Farms
Farm Happenings for September 28, 2022
Autumn has arrived and so has the Fall Weather! The changes will be reflected in our menus. We may still offer some Tomatoes and Cucumbers, but I cannot rely on availability. Instead we'll offer Winter Squash, Potatoes, members of the Onion Family, and Cabbages. I will enjoy a meal of Com1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 21, 2022
While we enjoy the last of the Sweet Corn and the beginning of the good baking Apple season, I keep looking over my shoulder in anticipation of the first hard frost! I'm not afraid of frost, it just alters our schedule, and changes our harvest practices by 180 degrees. We will do most pi1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 14, 2022
Today we have about 12 hours and 41 minutes of daylight. In about 8 weeks (November 10) we will slide under 10 hours of daylight and most plant growth will cease or at least dramatically slow down. As a all season grower, all transplants in the hoop houses must be at least 75% mature by the date of1 read more »