Summer CSA is here! We are looking forward to a summer full of zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, and more, but while we wait for our summer produce to grow we enjoy lots of greens, scallions, rhubarb, and plenty of spring veggies.
You will receive this email every Friday (every other for biweekly shares), where we share info about the weekly share, farm news, and other updates. This email always contains the link for customizing your share.
Look for an email in the next few days with info specific to your pickup location. A couple of changes to note: Pittsburgh deliveries move back to Thursdays for Summer/Fall, and New Castle pickup is moving to Thursdays. If you're new to NWPA Growers, you might also want to review the info in the Welcome email that you received when you signed up. If you have questions about your account or customizing your share, please don't hesitate to email me.
You have until Sunday at 3 p.m. to customize your share. We recommend customizing early, and then checking back throughout the weekend to see if you can grab other items that another member has swapped out of their share. You have a "budget" in your share, so if you add more than your budget allows, then you will have swap charges. You can also add extras to your share. If you have chosen to pay offline via check, you will need to add a credit card to your account for extras or else send money to put on your account above your chare price.

We welcomed Spur Hollow Farm as a new grower this year. Jeff and Lindsay are a young couple who are geeked about growing nutrient-dense produce for market. Fresh green onions this week! They are coming along really well! These are planted in groups of 8-10 green onions, making transplanting easier and uniform spacing for cultivation.
Sugar snap peas are almost in full bloom! Those beautiful white flowers will be replaced by sweet, crunchy sugar snap peas here in a few weeks. A fresh picked sugar snap pea is incomparable to one bought in the store or frozen. The sweetness is incredible, and the flavor is so intense, especially being grown in a true deep organic system where nutrient density is our priority.
