Every season is a new adventure!
While the last few seasons were very dry, this year is a stark contrast to that. We've had plentiful rain! It's a bit of a readjustment, remembering how to grow with lots of water in spring and early summer. One challenge has been the slugs -- they are everywhere. And we apologize for any that make it into your shares! While we wash all the produce, we strongly encourage you to give your produce, especially leafy greens a thorough rinse. That being said, if there is ever a problem with your share, please let us know! We appreciate feedback and will do our best to make it up to you.
So now to the bright side of lots of rain...this week your shares include peas. First snow peas and by Friday's delivery we may have sugar snaps. The pea plants are enormous and it's looking like a bountiful harvest. Another crop that is appreciating the rain is celery.It will be available in bunches starting this week too. Along with cauliflower...
Hope you have a tasty week.