We had our first hard frost last week, down to 24 degrees two nights in a row, so we made sure to harvest the last of our cold-sensitive crops, including the final batch of sweet peppers and ginger. Both peppers and ginger are easy to freeze, so stock up if you'd like to savor some of this goodness during the colder months ahead.
When the temperatures drop and frost hits, only the heartiest vegetables are equipped to survive. Some plants (like those in the brassica and chicory families) have the ability to convert some of their starch stores into sugar. They do this to keep the water in their cells from freezing. So the adaptation that keeps them from dying in the cold also makes them even more delicious!
The radicchio and dandelion greens featured in your shares this week are all standouts. They certainly are superstars with their long shelf life, bold flavor and powerhouse of nutrition. Dandelion greens are wonderful when wilted into a recipe like this braised white bean soup with parmesan. We also have two varieties of radicchio this week: the ruby red variety is bold and beautiful, delicious when chopped into salads or roasted with balsamic vinegar. The green "sugarloaf" variety has a softer taste, and can be enjoyed in much the same way.