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Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
Beginning of Winter
We're about halfway between the fall equinox and winter solstice. This marks the end of harvest season and the beginning of winter, or the "dark half" of the year. The ancient Celts celebrated this time with a great festival called Samhain. Traditionally, Samhain marked the beginning of the new yea1 read more »
It's True
Benner carved this on the back of our CSA pick up sign at the farm this spring, and I want to make sure you all know it's true, YOU are beautiful. You are beautiful because you chose to be a part of this important local food movement that is changing the world. Together, we are building beautiful s1 read more »
It's true
Benner carved this on the back of our CSA pick up sign at the farm this spring, and I want to make sure you all know it's true, YOU are beautiful. You are beautiful because you chose to be a part of this beautiful local food movement that is changing the world. Together, we are building beautiful s1 read more »
gratitude for our crew
I have found myself reflecting this week on the immense effort that is brought about to care for this place in hopes that it will provide us all with what we need to eat for the week. This reflection has led to a desire to thank the group of people who wake up each morning to gr1 read more »
As the days get shorter and colder and we're all spending more time indoors, what better way to spend your time than cooking nourishing meals with your Root 5 Farm shares. Sheet pan roasting is a simple and delicious way to prepare the abundance of root vegetables available this time of year. Chop1 read more »
When temperatures drop and frost hits, only the heartiest of veggies are equipped to survive. And for many of them, the adaptation that keeps them from dying in the cold also makes them sweet and delicious. Have you ever noticed how much sweeter our root vegetables and brassicas taste in the fall?&1 read more »
We're delighted to see our kraut cabbages sizing up (they get to be nearly 10lbs each!) and we're preparing for our big kraut-making shred fest at the end of the month. But we need to empty out some more kraut barrels so we have space for the new crop. This is our version of Octoberfest. We're feat1 read more »
Young Ginger
Our ginger crop is ready! This is one of the more unique crops we grow here at Root 5 Farm so it deserves some special attention. Our fresh young ginger is juicy and plump with a pink blush. This is because we harvest our ginger at a young stage, before it's developed any skin (our growing season i1 read more »