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Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
Great Zukes!
It's that time of year when we're astounded daily by the bounty of our harvest. We're bringing in hundreds of pounds of tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, and peppers every harvest day. We've started bulk harvesting summer carrots, beets, and onions- bringing in thousands of pounds at a time. Our1 read more »
Eat the Rainbow
This rainbow in your CSA box may not have a pot of gold attached to it, but the nutritional benefits are priceless. Phytonutrients from the Greek phytón, meaning “plant,” are chemicals produced by plants to protect themselves from insect attacks and radiation from UV rays. Luckil1 read more »
The Pinnacle of Plenty
As we delight in the height of summer, we give thanks for the amazing folks at NOFA-VT who made 75 delicious pizzas to ensure all of our guests were fed last Thursday evening. And thank you to our amazing crew who led farm tours and smoothly facilitated the parking brigade. We have one more event c1 read more »
Change is Natural
As consumers in an industrial food system, we've come to expect food that is unnaturally uniform and consistent and always available. As consumers in a small scale local food system we are more tuned in to what's thriving in this particular moment, in our particular watershed, and we know that natu1 read more »
solar powered tomatoes!
Did you know? Our tomatoes are 100% solar powered! We don't use any propane to heat our hoop houses and the electric heat mats we use to warm the soil in early spring are powered by our solar panels!
As you can see, Garhett is giddy about these ripening cherry tomatoes. He sneaks into the hoop hous1 read more »