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Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
The Power of Kraut
September is coming to an end, which means we're gearing up for our version of Oktoberfest! We've been eagerly watching our kraut cabbages size up (they grow to be about 10lbs each!) and soon our certified kitchen space will be transformed into our annual kraut-making shred fest. Before we start, w1 read more »
Green Fruit
Local food has a way of deepening our roots to a place, of helping us belong more fully to the land we call home, and of being a guidepost to the seasons. The days are getting noticeably shorter and cooler so it's that bitter sweet time of year when we tear out all of our tomatoes so we can plant o1 read more »
In Between
It's not quite summer anymore, yet still not fall. I wish there was a name for this in between season, this exciting crossover time when there is such a wide variety of vegetables available. You'll find hearty roots and the first of the winter squash in your shares this week, but the sweet peppers,1 read more »
In Between
It's not quite summer anymore, yet still not fall. I wish there was a name for this in-between season, this exciting crossover time when there is such a wide variety of vegetables available - you'll find hearty roots and the first of the winter squash in your shares this week, but the sweet peppers1 read more »
Herbes Salées
For those torn between lamenting summer’s end and celebrating autumn’s approach, might we suggest eating a lot of chilled watermelon and stocking up on fresh herbs by making a batch of Herbes Salées this week? These are the crops of this moment.
Herbes Salées (or salted he1 read more »
In Celebration of Summer
For those torn between lamenting summer’s end and celebrating autumn’s approach, might we suggest eating a lot of chilled watermelon and stocking up on fresh herbs by making a batch of Herbes Salées this weekend? These are the crops of this moment.
Herbes Salées (or salted1 read more »
In Celebration of Summer
The new school year has begun, the air is palpably crisper, and the intensity of summertime energy is mellowing. For those torn between lamenting summer’s end and celebrating autumn’s approach, might we suggest eating a lot of corn and watermelons? These are the crops of this moment.
A1 read more »