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Farm Happenings at Root 5 Farm
The Coolest of Cucumbers
We officially harvested the first cucumbers of the season! As Laura Marie Neubert writes in her blog, "[Cucumbers] may be 95% water, but they are indeed 100% cool." Much like Ben here (with a slightly different water composition), who is very excited to be standing next to plants that are taller th1 read more »
What a Difference a Week Makes
Last week we were basking in a brief stretch of warmer days, monitoring forecasts and transplanting accordingly, and only a few days later we were hit with high winds and a record-breaking frost. Unfortunately, despite taking extra precautions, we lost our entire crop of sweet peppers and1 read more »
April Showers Bring May Flowers - and Spring Greens!
We hope you've enjoyed your first CSA box! It is such a joy to be back into the swing of harvesting and packing shares. Did you celebrate tried-and-true recipes with vegetables you know and love? Or did you explore something new to kick off the season? We'd love to hear about it either way, so feel1 read more »
Vibrant Color
Meet Cindy, our Kitchen Manager and "Fermentista", the woman behind so many of our fun recipes. This week you may see some of her magnificently-hued and incredibly tasty Beet Kraut into your share. With cabbage and beets grown right here at Root 5 and just a hint of lemon, it's a beautiful way to s1 read more »
Spring Rhythm
We're back into the steady rhythm of the growing season and it feels so good to be harvesting fresh food for you again! Our hoop houses are filled to the brim with greens and the whole crew has been having a blast tending to a variety of delicious vegetables for your spring shares.
If you're new to1 read more »
April Showers Bring May Flowers - and Spring Greens!
We hope you've enjoyed your first CSA box! It is such a joy to be back into the swing of harvesting and packing shares. Did you celebrate tried-and-true recipes with vegetables you know and love? Or did you explore something new to kick off the season? We'd love to hear about it either way, so feel1 read more »