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Farm Happenings at Rora Valley Farms
Severe Crop Damages from Large Hail Storm on Sunday
With the covid-19 crisis we all have a greater appreciation of the resiliency of small scale farming. But there traditional risks associated with growing crops haven't changed. On Sunday morning our community had a severe thunderstorm (possible tornado) with hail and strong winds that severely dama1 read more »
Fun Crop Care! Plus Change for Chicken Shares.
(Important: Due to an unexpected shortage we are suspending extra chicken shares for the future. Chickens will still be available as an option in your share as we have supply. Sorry for the inconvenience and we hope to provide this option again soon!)
It has been such a beautiful spring to be worki1 read more »
Straight from the farm to you!
We have chosen to build our business on relationships. We really like knowing the people that we grow food for. At times it has been tempting to develop a more wholesale model of sales, but we have been convicted that the effort to market directly to the families consuming our food is worth the eff1 read more »
What a beautiful spring! Tips for your own garden.
Since many of you are probably spending more time at home, I hope that you are getting to enjoy this beautiful spring weather. My family and I have been spending many, many hours outside both in the commercial garden planting and growing veggies for you a well as in our own family garden and homest1 read more »
We are here for you! Local farming provides resilience in troubled times.
I pray that you are all well during this time with the coronavirus. We are well and honestly enjoying the beautiful spring weather! The vegetables are growing well and are really starting to take off. As far as our response to the coronavirus:1. We are planning on being here to provide you foo1 read more »
The Secret to Building a Market Garden from Red Clay
When we first installed our current market garden, which is where your vegetables are grown, it was mostly hard red clay on the top of a hill. The first year some of the bean plants didn't get much over 6 inches tall and only had a few measly beans on them. But the next growing season and since the1 read more »
New Coming Additions to Our Family: TWINS!
We recently had an ultrasound to check out our upcoming baby, and were ecstatic to discover that we are expecting twin boys! We are all so grateful and look forward to their arrival sometime in June. Please be in prayer for Dorothy as she carries these two little lives while still caring for the re1 read more »
Planting Potatoes while it is Snowing!
I was able to work my garden and plant potatoes last week while it was snowing even with one of the biggest rain storms in several years the day before! When the soil is properly cared for it is so much more resilient even when the weather doesn’t seem to cooperate. God’s creation reall1 read more »
Winter Progress! Building a wash room.
It is a blessing to have the tools that allow us to grow in the winter, but washing and packing in our open air shed can be a little challenging when you are dealing with 37 degrees and a blustery day. When you are washing spinach barehanded on a day like that it can really take the joy out of it,1 read more »