Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Napa Cabbage + Broccoli

Posted on September 7th, 2024 by Ashley Thompson

We on the farm are so looking forward to the upcoming cooler weather, and for it we've got the perfect fall box for you.  

Our fall flight of Napa Cabbage has turned out beautiful and is ready to add some crunch to your cooking.  I love napa cabbage for a stir fry or kimchi, but it really can go with so many things.  I also like to use it just like I do bok choy to make a simple side to a main dish.  Here's a great easy recipe for Sauteed Napa Cabbage for you to try.  The other fabulous thing about napa cabbage is that it stores great in the fridge, so there's no pressure to finish it this week.  I love having cabbage in my fridge as an option for an easy add-in when I find my fridge lacking other more perishable greens.

In addition, we have very special broccoli for shares this week.  We find broccolini a lot better suited to our farm and climate for most of the season, but we can't help but grow a little bit of fall broccoli when the weather is right for it.  We plan our large planting for CSA at the most opportune time, and it has worked out beautifully, offering gorgeous full heads for us all.

We've also got (probably the last) green beans for shares this week.  Our beans have been so good to us this season, but we're beginning to replant our greenhouses in earnest for late fall and winter and our oldest, tired successions are slowing in production and ready to go which means summer crops are on the decline.  Before that happens, though, we want to share one more round of delicious beans with you.

Fall Turnips are also finally ready for boxes, and if you do want to make a stir fry or kimchi, they go along great with Napa Cabbage.  They're also a great side dish... my favorite way currently is to cook them up with some Miso for flavor.

We're excited to also bring Arugula back into shares this week, as well as Curly Kale, Fennel, Garlic, Onions, and Salad Mix to round out your weekly options.

Happy munching,

Ashley, Caleb and the Sungrounded Crew