Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm
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Farm Happenings at Sungrounded Farm

Flex Shares and Farm Tour

Posted on October 5th, 2020
We've got a few important notes today, as there are only THREE Farm Share deliveries remaining for the season. First, for those of you who purchased a flex share (20 of 22 weeks), please read the following (if you are absolutely sure that you purchased a regular small or large share, feel1 read more »

Expanding for next year!

Posted on September 28th, 2020
Today we started preparing ground for next year!  We have bluegrass in our pasture mix, which is creepy-crawly and hard to kill, so building new beds is quite the extended process for us.  We've had some ground tarped for a few months in the heat to kill grass growth, and now is the time1 read more »

The Transition

Posted on September 21st, 2020
Happy almost equinox everyone! What a fall we are having.  Caleb and I are playing catch-up after going down to bare-minimum must-do tasks last week in the smoke, and I must say it's a bit fun, albeit overwhelming.  Today we harvested what winter squash there was and brought it into our p1 read more »

Smokey Skies

Posted on September 14th, 2020
What a strange few days it's been.  I keep saying that I'm tired of pivoting, but I guess we're not done yet!  These unprecedented and fast moving fires in Oregon and all of the west coast have been terribly devastating, and we've been mostly hunkered down inside thinking about what's to1 read more »

Soup Season and Pickling Cukes

Posted on September 7th, 2020
Is it soup season?  Sometimes it's hard to tell with the dramatic weather shifts we've been having.  And instead of worrying about the second and potentially third frosts we're supposed to get (cover your gardens if you have one!) we're going to focus on soup. We save the last of our pota1 read more »

Fusion Food and an Early Frost

Posted on August 31st, 2020
We officially got our first light frost on the farm a couple nights ago.  This season has been truly unforgiving with it's temperature swing, but it's also very typical of our location.  The local food scene is growing here in Central Oregon, but there's a reason veggies are traditionally1 read more »

Onion Harvest

Posted on August 24th, 2020
Today Caleb and I (Ashley) harvested the first of our onions to cure and dry.  We're very happy about this, as last year our onions were not mature in time to cure well and we struggled to get them to dry well in cool weather with fans.  This year our red onion plants' leaves have already1 read more »

Central Oregon Strawberry Season is Upon us

Posted on August 17th, 2020
We're so excited to finally have strawberry plants producing well on the farm and plan on sharing them with you often!  If it seems late for 'strawberry season', it is, but not so much in the high dessert.  Due to late frosts followed by sudden heat spells, outdoor strawberries take a whi1 read more »

Bug Control

Posted on August 8th, 2020
Have you ever seen a plant that looks like swiss cheese?  If so, chances are flea beetle is the culprit.  The image above is two arugula leaves, one at the end of the row left uncovered, and one that was safely tucked under a blanket.  If you pick up on the farm, you may have noticed1 read more »