Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
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Little Ceasars

Posted on September 27th, 2019 by Ford Waterstrat

Our family was pretty busy this week with a number of different things going on and  I got sick Thursday and was in charge of making dinner. I try to make some pretty quick healthy creations with our veggies on my nights to cook. Thankfully Little Caesars was there to pick up my slack! And boy was it good. We realize that cooking vegetables every week takes some effort. We planted a lot of crops that would have added more variety in your shares for the end of the season, but these cooler season crops are just not able to handle the heat and unfortunately the broccoli, cabbage, and lettuces are just not going to make it into your shares.

We hope that you enjoy the remaining 2 weeks of shares!

Thank you,
