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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
Week 3
Each season has it high and low points- different crops do well, while others perform poorly. Unfortunately our strawberry harvest this season has been dismal. As an organic grower, strawberry production is quite a risk. In the climate of KY, strawberries are prone to many diseases that can drastic1 read more »
Week 2
Thanks for all the kind emails that people sent this week! We're so happy that you're enjoying your first shares. Here's a fall 2021 picture of the team here at Sustainable Harvest Farm. These guys are terrific and I hope that you take time each month to read the newlsetter employee highlight. All1 read more »
Week 2
Thanks for all the kind emails that people sent this week! We're so happy that you're enjoying your first shares. Here's a fall 2021 picture of the team here at Sustainable Harvest Farm. These guys are terrific and I hope that you take time each month to read the newlsetter employee highlight. All1 read more »
Week 1 Thursday and Friday
Wow! We're here- It's week 1- and I've got butterflies in my stomach. Why you might ask... We plan, work, plan, create a back up plan, learn, study, fail, try again, try to perfect, roll with the punches, pray, recover from disaster, take one step forward... sheesh- and that was just to get the int1 read more »
Week 1
Wow! We're here- It's week 1- and I've got butterflies in my stomach. Why you might ask... We plan, work, plan, create a back up plan, learn, study, fail, try again, try to perfect, roll with the punches, pray, recover from disaster, take one step forward... sheesh- and that was just to get the int1 read more »