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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
Life Cycle of a Strawberry
Guess what we're planting next week? Strawberries! Lots and Lots of Strawberries. Every crop that we harvest for you takes very careful planning and care. It takes 8 months before we will harvest our first strawberry for you in 2019. But lets back up even further. A farmer can't just plop down 10,01 read more »
Sweet Corn
We strive to put only high quality products in the CSA. The sweet corn pests create a difficult choice for us as organic-minded farmers. We know our members love corn on the cob, but we choose not to use chemical sprays to control the pests. This week we decided to give you 3 options for your sweet1 read more »
Hoping you're loving it!
There's so much to write about that happens on the farm each day, but I'm such a poor writer and have a hard time making time to write!
Lots of good crops coming your way this week.
We will have lots more sweet corn for the next 3 weeks, but there is a good chance that you will find a corn ea1 read more »
Shopping at the Grocery Store
We hope you're doing well. If you have children that are in the public school system, I hope its off to a smooth start. Finley is excited about 2nd grade and the twins are thrilled to go with Finley to the school bus this year...but they still have 1 more year before they start. We're blessed to ha1 read more »