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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
Week 16
Many of you know that I'm a first generation farmer that had no prior experience in agriculture. I had never driven a tractor until my early twenties when I got a summer job ( during my summer break from teaching) One of the things that I found exhilarating about farming was the challenge- At first1 read more »
Week 15
Here's a great picture of the team that makes it all happen. We celebrated 3 birthdays this week- Omar is on the left- Israel is in the middle and Abigail aka Badin is on the bottom right. I hired my in house chef (Finley) to make the guys favorite home made chocolate cake and home made chocolate i1 read more »
Week 14
We're so glad that you all appreciate the products that you've been sending. Again- my team and I want you to be 110% happy each week- Please reach out when you aren't. Your positive and negative feedback helps us improve what we do-
Here's a picture of Jorge- aka Donkey- unloading a load of bell p1 read more »
Week 13
Here in the picture you can see 3 rows of lettuce that are covered with a white fabric.--- and you can see 1 row without fabric-Any guesses why we're covering the lettuce? Insects? Decreased Temperature? Less sunlight? All of those are great benefits to this fabric... but the main reason we were us1 read more »