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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
Gearing up for 2020
Can you believe that we're already getting ready to plant strawberries for 2020. That's right. We hope that you get excited thinking about them being delivered to your home May 2020! We've ordered 8400 strawberry plants, plowed and disced the soil, and in a week or so we'll lay plastic to plant the1 read more »
change in weather :)
As many of you have families and youngsters to keep up with, we hope to start transitioning to some vegetables that you don't have to use immediately and can store for a later time. Be expecting to start seeing potatoes, sweet potatoes, and some marinara in the shares.
We hope to have one more deli1 read more »
Fingers Crossed
We've been battling the Raccoons all season. They are notorious for devastating sweet corn overnight. In years past we've always set up an electrified netting around the perimeter of the sweet corn field...and yes that is as much work as it sounds like :)... and that's taken care of them for the mo1 read more »
Wild Weather
After this spring I never imagined I'd be asking for some rain! Fortunately we're able to irrigate your crops daily with several different irrigation pumps. The creeks are getting pretty low and we've had to get creative getting the pumps close enough to the river that we irrigate out of.
We're hop1 read more »
Back to School
If you have kids and they are preparing to go back to school.... I hope it's a great start. Our twins are excited for their first day of Kindergarten and our Oldest is starting 3rd Grade. Thanks to all the great teachers, bus drivers, aides, volunteers, and the so many other great folks that are in1 read more »