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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
What if there were no farmers?
I entered our local farm store this week looking rather down as the weather was calling for 5 straight days of rain. The owner kindly asked- "how's it Going" I think he knew the answer to that question. I told him- Harold- I've never been so close to quitting as I am right now. This is miserable. E1 read more »
Wet Wet Wet
I remember years ago when I first started gardening I only had a short window of time to get the garden tilled so I did it in the middle of a rainstorm. That's before I realized how damaging it is to soil health to "work" the soil when its too damp. Even driving on soil when its wet can be very dam1 read more »
How do we know what to offer you each week?
You, our highly esteemed Farm Share/CSA customers, are our number one priority when it comes to who gets the best of the produce from the farm. But how does that happen? How do we decide what you get to choose from each week? How do we decide how much to plant each season for every person that join1 read more »
A break in the Heat!
The weather has finally cooled back down a bit, but some of the spring crops that we plant for you don't spring back to life after a hot spell like we had. As we mentioned last week we grow such a wide variety of items that we're typically able to roll with what mother nature brings our way.
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