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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
Week 17
Hugo decided that this purple potato would be our farm icon. We'll see how long this mighty potato lasts before it rots. Did you know that we have 4 different walk in coolers that are set up varying temperatures to keep your produce as fresh as possible. Most items get harvested the day before your1 read more »
Week 16
Thought you all might enjoy this photo. There's no shiny fancy pickup trucks here at Sustainable Harvest Farm. Jose Pedro and I worked quickly to take the bed off of our main farm truck. After we took the bed off, we rushed it up to Uncle Jimmy- the master of all trades- to fix the fuel lines that1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 17, 2021
Check out this photo of the tomato harvest wagon. 4500 pounds picked in several hours. I have a great team of guys that work here--- but your role is even more important! Without your support- none of these guys would have jobs here. Thank you- Guess what we are getting made with all of these extra1 read more »
Week 14
What's up with the Photo? In the picture on the left I was seeding a "cover crop" on June 18th. In the picture on the right is the same field on July 18. On August 4th, the field of cover crop was 6-7 feet tall. We raise these cover crops to build healthier soil for our vegetable fields. Healthier1 read more »