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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
Week 4
That was some dry and hot weather we had in the last month! The crops, my team, and I all really enjoyed the rain and cooler temps this Saturday 5/29. The extreme temperature swings can be tough on the crops and crew here at SHF, but not to worry- we've got some great things in the pipeline for you1 read more »
Week 3
Wow! We received a lot of great feedback on a great week of lettuces, strawberries, kales, and spinach! Thank you so much- those kind emails boost everyone's spirits.
This week the strawberries are at their peak and then the harvest amounts will start to slow down. The strawberry season is a1 read more »
Week 2
We've loved receiving all your kind emails this past week. I share them with my team here and it make us all very happy. Thank you so much.
It's been an interesting and busy week on the farm. Wednesday and Thursday morning had mild frosts. As many of you know frost can kill "summer plants" li1 read more »
5 star Strawberries coming your way
Man on Man! Where else can you get fresh picked Certified Organic Strawberries? The Crème de la crème of Strawberries. When we sold at Farmers Markets folks would comment on how you could smell their sweetness and flavor from many booths away. And did you know th1 read more »