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Farm Happenings at Sustainable Harvest Farm
Week 9
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KY is so beautiful this time of year. The rain almost seemed to make the crops "jump" in size overnight. My boys went out the next day and said... Dad- the sweet corn doubled in size. Unfortunately, sweet corn- like strawberries are very difficult1 read more »
Week 8
Wow! this past week has been beautiful. Here's a shot from our back porch looking out over the home farm. Cooler temps make growing your vegetables much more pleasant. However- the cooler weather does slow down the development of several of our "heat loving" crops like tomatoes, peppers, eggp1 read more »
Week 6
Now were talking! This is some gorgeous weather- Good farming weather! Here's a picture of the guys and I headed out to harvest cucumbers- and check out this video of the team in action harvesting cukes.
Some folks ask us- whats better too much rain or too little rain? Most vegetables grow best in1 read more »
Week 5
Its always a tough decision to decide what to highlight in this short blurb- Should I highlight the exciting things, the challenges, crop updates, the weather, the challenges in our world today, the blessings? And- it's not like I have a ton of time to decide either- see- I'm tempted to write about1 read more »
Week 4
Here comes a great week of weather! We will be very busy catching up on getting fields ready to plant, planting, getting rid of weeds, stringing tomatoes and other such things- As you might imagine- to provide you all with fresh just picked organic food for 5.5 months--- we are constantly getting f1 read more »