Farm Happenings at Wild Coyote Farm
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Product Update

Posted on August 22nd, 2024 by Shelli and Paul Meulemans

Potatoes? Yep we started digging them today! Quality and yield are looking good, so get the chili and cheese ready fall is coming! It feels strange this year actually because most produce is ahead of schedule. Even our late seeded pumpkins are turning orange. Well it’s been cool this week so all this crazy talk doesn’t sound to wild but it will be close to 90 again this next week. I hope you all have been enjoying all the corn and melons, unfortunately we will be rolling into the last inventory of melons this week and next. We will likely have a break in the sweet corn after next week for a couple weeks before the last patch ripens up to enjoy once more. It’s a good week to put green beans in your box, they look absolutely stellar this patch. Anyhow, trying to stay on top of keeping the fall produce happy and the last of the lettuce ready to finish out in October! Thanks for enjoying our produce!