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Farm Happenings at Boerson Farm
It's the moment that many mouths have been waiting for...the arrival of the sweet corn! This marks season 3 of growing this a-maizing crop, and so far, this looks like it could be our best one yet! We shoot for a late planting that yields at the end of August and goes strong (we hope!)1 read more »
This past week was a hot one on the farm, but our family managed to escape the heat for a few days in Newport State Park in Door County, where the wildlife outnumbers the humans. There is definitely a micro climate that surrounds the peninsula, and we were fortunate enough to experience some1 read more »
Peak Harvest
Peak harvest is upon us! We've completed the garlic harvest, are making our way through the onions, just harvested the crop of spaghetti squash, and will be starting on sweet corn within the next week. (By the way, if you're wondering why it's taking so long for the sweet corn, we plant1 read more »
A few of my favorite things...
As your farmer, one of my favorite parts of the job is arranging and photographing the food. Juxtapositions of color, shape and texture stimulate a dopamine release in my brain, so when tomato season rolls around it's all I can do to keep my glee under control. Cooking and eating the ve1 read more »
No-Till Revolution
This season marks our 3rd for going no-till with our potato crop. Instead of disturbing the soil, we're building it! At planting time, the spuds are placed in a shallow furrow in the bed top and then covered with a thin layer of soil and a thick layer of mulch. Once the plants eme1 read more »
Kids in the Kitchen
As a parent, there is nothing more satisfying than seeing my kids engage with food from the farm. Both Henry and Shep like cooking, and and this is leading to an increasing amount of experimentation in the kitchen. These days, Henry is on a canning kick. He truly loves snacking on hot d1 read more »
Listen to Your Elders
What can the flowers tell us about life? These stately elderflowers offer up wisdom every day when I pass by their hedgerow at the edge of the growing space...and I've learned enough to know that I should listen to my elders! It's good to question, but first we must listen.
In a1 read more »
Can you dig it?
Whether we're talking carrots, beets, scallions or any of the other crops we bunch and wash, we really dig growing this food. The colors, textures and flavors shine when the food is fresh and and the crops diverse, and this is something that the whole crew can get behind.
As we enter into th1 read more »
Dog Days
What do you get when you combine long, hot summer days with a new puppy? The dog days of summer!
That's about where we're at... Watering everyday to keep the crops growing while getting distracted by a snuggly, floppy new farm dog named Bear. Our old girl Bella is taking her time warmin1 read more »