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Farm Happenings at Boerson Farm
Bees and many other flying insects are abounding at the farm. Some are friends and some are foes, but the bees are always on our side. We've made it our mission to continually plant a mix of annuals and perennials that will attract, feed and otherwise encourage the good bugs to call the1 read more »
Sweet as Candy
Kids and carrots go together well. A recent visit to the farm by newly appointed Big Sister Elliot Avery reminded me just how cool it is when kids interact with vegetables. She knew the names of all the veggies in her CSA share, and she let me know that the carrots were her special favorite.&1 read more »
In Your Share
Do you ever wonder what goes into growing the food for your veggie share...? When were those carrots seeded? Why do some crops come and go (like radishes) while others stick around week to week (like mini romaine)? What tool do we use to cut the salad mix? How often do we pl1 read more »
All Hands On Deck
Having just cruised past the longest day of the year with hot and humid weather to boot, the vegetable are growing like CRAZY! Lots of light and plenty of heat make the crops grow at seemingly super sonic speeds, so this time of year we need all hands on deck. Did you know that cucumber1 read more »
Everyone Love Carrots
We are grateful to have you as a member this season. In our weekly farm happenings we will keep you up-to-date on important details and stories from the farm. Please take a few minutes to read through these happenings when possible to stay connected. If you are getting a box every1 read more »
Here We Grow!
Welcome back and welcome aboard! We are grateful to have you as a member this season. In our weekly farm happenings we will keep you up-to-date on important details and stories from the farm. Please take a few minutes to read through these happenings when possible to stay connected.&nbs1 read more »
In it for Good
To borrow a phrase from my favorite coffee roaster (Peace Coffee!), this farm crew is in it for good. This past week our Friday crew arrived on the shirt tails of the first frost of the season, and it was abruptly quite chilly. No one complained though. We put on extra layers and1 read more »
Landing Approach
As we approach the end of the CSA season, it feels a bit like setting up for a landing. Birds, like these sandhill cranes, know just what to do. Pilots have their checklists and go through a series of checks before touching down. Calculations are made, distances are verified and g1 read more »
Into the Woods
If farming is anything, it is the art of tending many irons in the proverbial fire of summer...some days we are better at not getting burned than others, but we know everything happens in its own time. One major project whose time came in 2021 is the farm's 5 acre woodlot on the southern edge1 read more »