Hello! Welcome to Week 10; we are nearly half way through the season!
Reminder to those who do not work at the Pierce County Offices:
Our pick up window is at the Tacoma Mall Plaza, Tuesday 1-2pm. Please consider coming at the beginning of the pick up window so your veggies spend less time sitting in our hot delivery van.
Lots happening during this hot week on the farm! Peppers and eggplants are beginning to trickle in, storage onion and shallot harvesting and curing will begin soon, and our grain corn and popcorn has started tasseling. We look forward to many bowls of polenta this winter!
It has been a really trying week for various mechanical aspects of the farm, the biggest of which is our irrigation pump that has been broken due to a tree falling on it, as well as some parts were stolen. Send some good vibes that I can fix it ASAP as it will greatly reduce the work that it takes to keep the farm well watered. Right now I am up until midnight swapping out irrigation lines to keep everything alive and growing this heat. Farming is definitely not a 9-5 job and our crew has had to put in 12 hour days to make sure we have enough planted to have a diversity of veggies through the winter.
It is also definitely the peak of squash season! We have really been enjoying this recipe for Jammy Summer Squash Pasta with Basil.
We are approaching tomato preservation season! If you are interested in a case of tomato seconds, please let me know so I can list them when they become available.