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Farm Happenings at Local Color Farm and Fiber
Farm Happenings for June 30, 2020
Hello! Welcome to week 4! Several reminders:
Flower Shares begin this week! Please be sure to pick up your bouquet if you have ordered one. If you are not a flower share member, we will also have a la carte bouquets available. You can add these in the "extras" part of your order.
On the farm1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 23, 2020
Welcome to Week 4!
We hope everyone has been enjoying the 16 hours of daylight during this time of year! Happy Summer Solstice!
After a rainy June, we are glad to see the sun! All of the rain has been great for our pastures and all of the sheep have been happy to munch on all of this g1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 16, 2020
Welcome to week 3 members! Thanks for being patient as we work through learning this new CSA system.
On Farm Pick Up Members:
Your share will be ready to pick up Friday morning. You can come pick up anytime during daylight hours on Friday and can come anytime over the weekend if you can't com1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 11, 2020
Welcome to Week 2! Thanks being patient with us as we get accustomed to our new system! Apologies for any mix ups last week, but this week will hopefully run a lot more smoothly. Just a reminder that eggs are available to add on to your boxes when you customize or add on to your shares! 1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 9, 2020
Welcome to Week 2! Thanks being patient with us as we get accustomed to our new system! Just to make sure, members who do not work at either of the Pierce County offices, your current pick up is at the parking lot of Marlene's Market at 1.30pm. I will be in a large white van.
As the farm cruises in1 read more »