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Farm Happenings at Local Color Farm and Fiber
Farm Happenings for July 28, 2022
Welcome to Week 9 and heat wave week!
Despite the forecasted 98 degrees, it might be one the busiest weeks ahead on the farm! Lots of early morning and evening planting to catch up on, plus we make extra chore rounds to check up on the animals, and lots of irrigation work! Luckily, our farm i1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 21, 2022
Welcome to Week 8! The season is really starting to turn, with lots of summer crops coming in (finally!) and the start of winter seeding this week. We pulled the last of the garlic out of the field (about 2 weeks later than usual, due to the cold spring) and will be planting that area out into radi1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 14, 2022
Welcome to Week 7! We are finally rolling into summer! Lots of irrigating and planting winter crops happening this week. We are pulling out the rest of the garlic this week, including most of our braiding garlic! Due to the rainy spring, the garlic field is weedier then I would like to admit, but t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 7, 2022
Welcome to Week 6 of CSA season!
Gentle reminder: Please pick up your CSA shares within the pick up time period. Our pick location partners are generous enough to let us use their space and we need to accommodate their needs and stick to the time frame that we agreed to at the beginning of th1 read more »