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Farm Happenings at Local Color Farm and Fiber
Farm Happenings for December 16, 2021: Last share of the year!
We have finally made it to the last week of the season! 28 weeks of nutrient dense produce from our little farm in the Puyallup Valley! Thanks so much for joining us this season!
Sign ups for next season will begin sometime next February, so keep an eye out for those emails. We will send out a shor1 read more »
Farm Happenings for December 9, 2021: The penultimate share
Welcome to the Penultimate CSA share of the season! Week 26?! This may be your last share if you are an every other week member.
So sorry for the delay, its been a big day at the farm! We spent most of Monday without power as we finally got permanent power at the farm! This event has been 4 y1 read more »