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Farm Happenings at Local Color Farm and Fiber
Farm Happenings for October 28, 2021
Welcome to the first week of our Fall/Winter CSA season!
Thanks to all of our regular season members who are continuing with us and to all of our new members! Even though its fall, we still have lots of good veg out in the field and in our storage barn to share with y'all.
Queen Anne members,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 14, 2021
Hello and welcome to the last week of the spring/summer share season!
This is the last week for picking up at the Queen Anne Farmers Market! QA folx who are continuing on to the winter, I sent an email earlier about potential a new pick up location that would help decrease my driving/delivering tim1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 7, 2021
Hello and welcome to Week 20! Just a reminder that the main season share ends NEXT WEEK. We will take a break for one week to clean up, rest, and say good bye to some of our crew members, and then Fall shares will begin October 28. For some every other week members, this may be your last week. We h1 read more »