It looks like we are officially looking at our first frost of the season this week! This will mean the real end to tomatoes, so this is really the last chance. Tomatoes had a great run this year from end of June-mid October and we hope everyone enjoyed them. Due to the demand, we are planning on doubling tomato production next year and will be offering plants for gardeners next spring. We start our first round of tomatoes in February, so really its not that long before we have tomatoes back in our lives.
For this season, our cauliflower has really been great this fall! We make a lot of roasted cauliflower and cauliflower and leek soup this time of year and freeze a lot to use over the winter.
Just another note that we are running into the deadline for reserving lamb this year! Our grass-fed, heritage breed lamb are rotated on pasture for the health of the land and the animals. We also utilize the sheep in mowing our cover crop, managing hedgerows, eating crop residuals, and compost all of their winter bedding to bring fertility back into our veggie fields. This is one reason I really believe that our veggies taste so good and are so nutritious! We can't grow our veggies without them. Our harvest date is at the end of November, so please reserve your whole or half lamb soon! More info about this here.