Welcome to week 18! Fall equinox is tomorrow, we got 2 inches of rall over the weekend, and huge bins of squash and potatoes are safely in the barn, so you know it's definitely fall.
New crops are coming in all the time these days!
Brussels Sprout TOPS: These are back for one more week. These are the tops of the plants that we have to remove for the actual sprouts to size up. They are kinda like loose sprouts that you can cook like kale and are a nice preview for the sprouts that we will begin harvesting in about a month. Did you know that Brussels Sprouts take about 120 days to grow?
Daikon Radish: More colors are coming in soon, but these are purple inside and out and are a Korean variety. Spicy but mellow out with cooking and fermenting.
Watermelon: Watermelons are here to finish out melon season. These are yellow or red inside. We grew enough for about 1 melon per family. Watermelons are kinda a gamble here on the West side, so we never grow a ton, but this year we should have!
Winter squash: We hauled out nearly 1 ton of squash from the field before it rained, so get ready! Most squash benefit from some time in storage to convert some starch into sugars, but some are ready to eat right out of the field. We begin squash season with spaghetti squash and delicata squash!
Last chance (probably) for bulk tomatoes! The plants really slow down with these lower temps, so make some sauce or salsa this week! Email me to make arrangements. We have sauce types and lots of seconds.