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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Final Week (#7)
January turns soon to February and we have arrived at the final delivery of the season. I'd like to again thank Justin and Kara for their work all season, and especially this winter. They have been responsible for most of the greens harvesting and washing of veggies for winter shares.
If1 read more »
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 6
As we approach box #6, the 7th and final share of the season is in sight - the final deliveries will be made February 2-3. This is the time to use up any remaining credits you may have by adding extra veggies or value-added products to your remaining shares. You can view your "Harvie Bal1 read more »
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 4
As I write this, the first major snowfall of winter is underway, with at least a foot of snow likely to fall before morning. While we do have a couple of unfinished outdoor projects that got interrupted by the snow earlier in the week, we're feeling ready for winter to hit us in full for1 read more »
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 3
We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving filled with gratitude for food, family, and health. We kept our gathering small, joining with my parents in Northfield. But we had a second cause for celebration, as Anneli's 4th birthday landed on Thanksgiving day this year. We had a fun-filled d1 read more »
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 2
After a long and glorious fall, this week we entered what we call "stick season," with deciduous trees bare of leaves, crop fields harvested, and more clouds than sun. While we will miss summer abundance and glowing autumn oaks and maples, we also welcome this time when nature urges a sl1 read more »
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 1
We are putting summer in the books and looking forward to the next three months of winter share deliveries. A big welcome to the new members who are joining us this winter. I hope everyone saw the logistics email that went out last night - please check it out if you haven't yet. There's1 read more »
Farm Share Week 20 Newsletter - Final Share of the Summer Season!
With patchy frost in the forecast for tonight, this seemingly endless summer is wrapping up along with the summer farm share season. This is the final box of the summer season. We will enjoy a week off of deliveries for some project work and perhaps a bit of R&R, then resume with the first wint1 read more »
Farm Share Week 19 Newsletter
It's the summer that goes on and on... This warm weather has kept our peppers and tomatoes producing later than expected, in some cases leading plants to exceed the demands of our markets! We have another (final?) week with a good amount of tomatoes, but we are trying not to overload shares1 read more »