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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 1
Welcome to the first week of Winter Shares! And, by golly, nature has made sure it feels like winter rather than fall. For those new to our farm, each delivery announcement will be accompanied by this "Farm Happenings" newsletter. Only the first few sentences make it into the body of the ema1 read more »
Farm Share Week 20 Newsletter - Final Share of the Summer Season!
Wow, this season flew by. We have arrived at Week 20, the final share delivery of the summer season. Thank you so much for joining us and weathering this roller coaster of a season. The pandemic set the stage for a challenging year, and the hail storm finished the job...
We are pleased to have avoi1 read more »
Farm Share Week 19 Newsletter
This is the second-to-last summer share for weekly members, and the final share for some every-other-week members. To verify your delivery schedule, log in to your Harvie profile page and look on the left side of the page. You will see your current and future deliveries listed as you scroll do1 read more »
Farm Share Week 18 Newsletter
Wow, that was fast - this is the 18th box of the season, leaving just two more weeks before the end of the summer season. The final deliveries of the summer season will be Oct 21-22. Then we have one week off before winter shares commence on Nov 4-5.
Not signed up for a winter share? Check ou1 read more »