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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 3
This week's newsletter comes to you from Packshed Manager, Sarah.
Farm life is continuing to slow down, a welcome change from the business of the growing season. Dana and I are working on our crop plan for next year, reflecting on what grew well (or didn’t), what produce was in the hig1 read more »
Winter Farm Share: Thanksgiving Special
Important: Different pick up day and times for Thanksgiving share. Please read!Just a friendly reminder that, in order to get your veggies to you before Thanksgiving day, we will be delivering your shares on Tuesday next week (11/24). See the table below for an estimate of when your share will arri1 read more »
Winter Farm Share Newsletter - Week 2
First, a quick reminder that you will have until tomorrow (Wednesday, Nov 11) evening at 8:00 to customize your share. This is for shares that will be delivered next week, November 18/19. This is our planned schedule for the reminder of the winter season.
After a nice week-long fling with sum1 read more »