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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Farm Share Week 4 Newsletter
Farm News and Crop Updates
It was another busy but productive week on the farm. The crew's main focus outside of farm share harvest and packing was weeding and trellising. These are essential crop maintenance tasks that have often been shirked in years past when we were running a CSA, while also se1 read more »
Farm Share Week 3 Newsletter
Please note that there are several reminders and business items listed at the end of this newsletter - please take a look.
Farm News and Crop Updates
It has been a good week on the farm. We got though our second week of farm share deliveries and stayed on schedule during our 50-stop delivery1 read more »
Farm Share Week 2 Newsletter
Welcome to the second share of the season for weekly members, and the first share for bi-weekly members! This weekly newsletter will accompany the announcement of shares and includes some news from the farm, logistics notes for members, and commentary on some items we are putting into shares1 read more »
First week of summer farm shares!
Welcome to the first week of the summer farm share season!
We begin the harvest season with lots of emotions after the police killing of George Floyd and the nationwide movement for racial equality that it sparked. We wholeheartedly support the calls to end the systemic racism that has long1 read more »