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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Farm Share Week 5 Newsletter
We breathed a sigh of relief as we got hours of steady rain on Sunday - 2 inches in total - giving the crops and broader landscape a much needed soaking while dodging severe weather. The heat continues (although not triple digits like they've been receiving in the Pacific Northwest!) and the1 read more »
Farm Share Week 4 Newsletter
This week's farm update comes to you from crew member Justin:
Another busy week in the books at SVF! Cooler temps early in the week brought a perplexingfeeling of autumn to the farm complete with sweater weather on Monday, a welcome reprievefrom the heat albeit a brief one. Our crew is working hard1 read more »
Farm Share Week 3 Newsletter
We've made it through another week much like the last two, and appreciated a couple of cooler (though still above average) days. The 10-day forecast looks quite comfortable, with lots of 70s and 80s and even one day in the 60s (!). The humans of the farm and many of the crops will1 read more »
Farm Share Week 2 Newsletter
What a week! We started CSA season with what might normally be the hottest airmass of the season. It's early June - come on! It looks like, after a slight reprieve Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, the intense heat will come back later next week. That means another sweltering delivery day. While we ke1 read more »
Farm Share Week 1 Newsletter
Welcome to the first week of the summer farm share season! It's been a roller coaster of a spring, with early April heat and late April chills; more than a month with no rain; light frost last week and 95° as I write this! But the crops have been growing nicely throughout, aided by timel1 read more »