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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Farm Share Week 13 Newsletter
Wow, what a week of weather! After a mostly droughty, scorching summer, this week provided a most pronounced shift. On Tuesday, we received 2.5" of rain over the course of a few hours - welcome rain, no doubt, even though the crew had to slog through it to finish harvesting veggies for share1 read more »
Farm Share Week 12 Newsletter
We increased our crew size by two last week with the addition of Sergio and Monika, who came up from Texas borderlands to work in Minnesota this summer. They're our "pepper season" reinforcements, allowing us to complete CSA harvest, wash, and pack a bit quicker early week so we can fit in o1 read more »
Farm Share Week 11 Newsletter
We are enjoying some beautiful days here this week. So nice to see the sky without smoke! We also got a good rain last weekend, although it did bring with it some wind that caused lodging (falling over) of plants in some of our fields - sweet corn and peppers, primarily. We were still able t1 read more »
Farm Share Week 10 Newsletter
We have arrived at box #10, meaning we are about halfway through the summer season. I thought it would be a good time for a quick update on some of the fall and winter crops. In the header image for this newsletter, you see one of our fall brassica plantings, containing storage cabbage a1 read more »