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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Farm Share Week 13 Newsletter
We're thrilled to have some new items back in shares this week. Still plenty of cherry and slicer tomatoes coming out of the tunnels, but also some lovely surprises of sweet peppers, eggplant, kale, and broccoli that have come back after the hailstorm. We also have a bunch of very large wate1 read more »
Farm Share Week 12 Newsletter
Now almost two weeks after the hailstorm, we have learned a lot about our community, our crops, and our financial outlook this year. First, our community. Wow. We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the support and generosity we have received. For those of you not aware, we launched a Go Fun1 read more »
Farm Share Week 11 Newsletter
It has been a week unlike any other during my time as a farmer. At a time of usual "peak" abundance, our farm has been turned into a wasteland. Each day we go out into the fields, the view appears worse than the day before. The economic toll appears truly staggering, forcing us to dig into our fina1 read more »
Farm Share Week 10 Newsletter
We've definitely reached peak season, with tomatoes now in full swing, watermelons ripening, and abundance all around. Note that we have cases of 2nds slicing tomatoes that are great for processing - now's the time to start thinking about making sauce and salsa for winter enjoyment. We anticipate h1 read more »