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Farm Happenings at Sogn Valley Farm
Farm Share Week 17 Newsletter
As we round out the last full week of September, we are appreciating the crisp nights, changing leaves, and impending slow-down that will accompany the end of pepper harvest in a couple of weeks. Tonight's forecast low of 39°F reminds us that frost is not far off, so we've been busy harvesting1 read more »
Farm Share Week 16 Newsletter
Our family life continues to be defined by life with a newborn (and perhaps especially by the needs of our almost-four-year-old who now shares her parents with a brother). We are loving baby Welby and he and mom are both recovering and doing well, considering their recent change i1 read more »
Farm Share Week 15 Newsletter
We are slowly adjusting to our new lives as a family of four! Karin and I welcomed baby Welby to the world on Wednesday, Sept 1. He is healthy and doing his newborn thing - sleep, nurse, soil a diaper, repeat. Karin is recovering and feeling better each day, though longing to return to h1 read more »
Farm Share Week 14 Newsletter
Courtesy of Justin: As if a switch was flipped, it seems we have suddenly begun our swift transition to Fall. Temperatures are pleasant and mild during the day and refreshingly cool at night. Biking to work in the morning I am almost chilled enough to start wearing gloves and more layers! Despite M1 read more »