Dear Spoon Full Farm Family,
For those who didn't receive a share last week, just a reminder that our meat CSA packaging will look a bit different Instead of the vacuum-wrapped plastic packages, your meat will come in white paper packs, with plastic wrap inside. The white paper will be held together by tape that says “Not for Sale.” (So please don’t sell it.) This change is due to a fundamental improvement in the way we will be processing the cattle — they will live their entire lives on the farm. Instead of riding for over two hours in a rattling trailer, on their last living day, the animals will relax at the home that they know and (as best we can tell) love. A local, WSDA-approved processor will come to the farm, give the cows a dignified end to their lives, and then dry-age, cut, and wrap the beef. We will store the beef in our freezers, and gradually deliver it to you.
Treat yourself and others with care, and kindness. May our grass-fed beef and pastured eggs bring you comfort, nourishment, and healing to you, friends.
Wishing you good health and much happiness,
Your Spoon Full Farmers