Farm Happenings at Covey Rise Farms
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Farm Happenings for May 23, 2024

Posted on May 20th, 2024 by Grady Seale

Bell Peppers are looking great and almost ready to harvest! When the first harvest of peppers takes place there is a very distinct smell that I love, it hits your nose as you walk into the cooler and you know exactly what it is. I immediately think, it is time to stuff some bell peppers, not only is it easy to do, but my kids and I both love to eat them. Blueberries are being heavily harvested at the moment so I hope yall enjoy those because the strawberries are officially done. We had an okay season with a few highs and lows, but hopefully yall enjoyed them, they can be so delicate at times. Tomatoes getting very close and I promise as soon as we are harvesting enough they will be in your boxes.