Farm Happenings at Covey Rise Farms
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Farm Happenings at Covey Rise Farms

Farm Happenings for June 27, 2024

Posted on June 24th, 2024
Peaches are in from Mountain View Orchards and they are sweeter than ever, I can't stop eating them! Mountain View is located in Chilton County, Alabama, which is greatly known for superb peach orchards. I have been buying peaches from them for years but they had some issues with production for a f1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 20, 2024

Posted on June 17th, 2024
The picture shows most of the veggies that have been available for your boxes lately, I love this time of year because we are able to offer some of my favorite items. I have been eating at least one tomato a day for the last week, whether it was on a sandwich, in a salad, or last night I even slice1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 13, 2024

Posted on June 10th, 2024
Heirlooms are finally here and they are as beautiful and tasty as ever! I was worried about our tomato crop with all the rain we had been getting but our heirlooms held up very well, squash/zucchini on the other hand didn't fair so well, crazy how quick it goes from beautiful and abundant to almost1 read more »

Farm Happenings for June 6, 2024

Posted on June 3rd, 2024
We had some horrible weather over the weekend with plenty of rain and also some strong winds that knocked down a few rows of the taller tomatoes. Good news is the vines are very tough and once we stand them back up, they are usually fine with minimal damage. We are picking a good bit of peppers and1 read more »