Welcome back to the farm!
I can't tell you how much I've missed being able to send out these weekly updates. Especially with everything that's been happening recently, it's more important than ever to know where your food comes from, and for me as a farmer to know my customers. Generally speaking, the shorter the supply chain between you and your food, the safer you are. And if you're interested, here's what we do to ensure that your food remains safe even during the few steps it takes to get to you.
This is a transition year for the farm. We've always partnered with other local farmers to provide you with the widest variety of fruits, veggies, meats, eggs and mushrooms, but we'll be relying especially heavily on our partners over the next 8 weeks as we move our operations.
Yep. Y'all are the first to hear this official announcement - Ecosystem Farm is expanding to multiple locations! The majority of our fruit, vegetable and animal production will be moving to 64 acres in Loganville, where we will be operating on land owned by the Wrecking Bar!
At the moment, our farm stand and CSA pickup will remain at our current location through the year, but we'll be adding an option for you to pick up your food at the Wrecking Bar in Little 5 Points on Tuesdays. If it becomes impossible for us to continue offering Sunday pickup at our current property, I've made arrangements for another location in East Atlanta.
Our strawberries will remain in place on our current property through the strawberry season, but I'm looking for a new home for them inside the perimeter - if you have connections to any developers who might be interested in hosting the only no-spray strawberry u-pick in Georgia as part of their multi-use plans, please let me know!
I'm excited to see you all again on Sunday, and to meet all the new folks who have joined the program!