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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Growings On 2/25/18
We've moved the pigs into the back pasture, and since very little goes right on the first try, we're having some interesting issues. I'd never used electric fencing before, so when I set it up and got the equivalent of a strong static shock when testing it on myself, I figured that was what was sup1 read more »
Growings on 2/24/18
It's shaping up to be another very wet year.
We're going to be planting several thousand strawberries over the next few weeks, and I'm doing my level best to try to keep the process from becoming a 3 day marathon. To plant strawberries, we need to till the field, form beds, add amendme1 read more »
Growings On 2/17
We have musical pigs! Well, technically they're Idaho Pasture Pigs, but they have musical names. Two females we're calling Piggy Gaga and Cardi P, and a male who's getting the moniker Justin Boarber. :D
These three have been in residence for about a week and a half now. They arriv1 read more »
Growings On 2/4
It is the season of conferences, meetings and big plans... in addition to the field work.
We've started working on our first big project of the year - expanding our strawberry patch from 7 rows to a quarter acre. Our awesome new employee Kelsey blew through removing the old strawberry1 read more »