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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Growings On 6/12/22
Well, we got our first nutrient spray out, and the first thing that's obvious is that the hand pump backpack sprayer we were using for compost tea is woefully inadequate. Battery powered sprayer coming in next week. The second issue I'm still working on - we're also supposed to run nutrient solutio1 read more »
Growings On 6/5
We got our first set of sap analysis back from our strawberries, and it confirmed my hunch that something wasn't quite right. Our strawberry plants are low in a few micronutrients that impact harvest volume, insect resistance and taste. Ultimately the solution to this will be to build a diverse soi1 read more »
Growings On 5/30
I was taking a break between planting rows of tomatoes, and this little guy landed next to me. I've never seen a fully green dragonfly before! So gorgeous read more »
Growings On 5/22/22
I love working in an ecosystem, even if it occasionally means I discover a rather large female spider preparing a nest while harvesting! This lady was hanging out on our komatsuna, and I opted to leave her leaf in the bed rather than evict her and babies. I'm not entirely sure what species she is o1 read more »
Growings On 5/15
I have survived my second battle with corona! And the farm survived too - huge kudos to our new team member Zoe who jumped in at the deep end and ran a market two hours after starting on Wednesday with nothing but my garbled notes to guide her.
Now that I'm back up and running, we're sh1 read more »
Growings On 5/8
Short and sweet this week- I’ve managed to catch covid. My new full time employee is scheduled to start Tuesday. I’m gonna try to keep everything going from a safe distance, but if things get bumpy, I apologize in advance. read more »
Growings On 5/1/22
If all of my strawberries looked like these plants, I would throw open the gates for u-pick! We're inching towards having enough strawberries for a full picking schedule - and in the meantime, they're giving me gray hairs.
I realized yesterday that there's more to the slow strawberries than t1 read more »
Welcome to 2022!!
Welcome to 2022!
I feel like this photo perfectly encapsulates where we are right now... one ripe strawberry, a few weed seedlings we haven't pulled out yet, soil that isn't quite there but improving by the day. We're battered, a bit rough around the edges, but still standing. Still farming.&1 read more »
Growings On 8/23/21
I have survived meeting the boyfriend's family! At least 25 of them... I lost count read more »