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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Growings On 11/24/19
Check out the mycelium on those roots!! We harvested sunchokes this week, which gave me the opportunity to check in on the soil development. We put about 6 inches of mulch down in the orchard in June, and things were still pretty hard when we planted flower bulbs in July. Granted, that was th1 read more »
Growings On 11/18/19
I made it home from Colorado on Friday night, worked the market and farm stand over the weekend, and then slept 17 hours on Monday!
And, despite having dragged my rear out of bed at 4pm to go feed the animals, I think I'm heading back to sleep after I send out this week's CSA options. Cause I1 read more »
Growings On 11/11/19
Hello from Boulder, Colorado, where it is 17 degrees, snowy, and the Boulder atheists adopt the roads. I flew in this morning for the National Young Farmers Convergence. I'll spend the next few days with 140 farmers from around the country discussing racial justice, climate change and g1 read more »
Growings On 11/4/19
I spent this past weekend learning from Jairo Restrepo, who jumpstarted the organic agriculture movement in Cuba during the US embargo.
I've spent a lot of time over the past few years trying to understand how to grow food without inputs. Brandy Hall opened my eyes to how we've disrupt1 read more »