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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Growings On 5/30
Today, I am very thankful for my team and my boyfriend. The guy and I decided to take a quick overnight up to western NC, and our time here has been unexpectedly extended by a cracked radiator. Cell signals are intermittent, but I was able to send a text to my team telling them to work on the green1 read more »
Growings on 5/24/21
Our greenhouse space is leveled and the first arches are up, and our irrigation pieces have arrived after 5 nail-biting days being lost in the bowels of FedEx. There's officially nothing but work standing between us, microgreens and consistent production of our core crops. The irrigation goes in to1 read more »
Growings On 5/17
I've decided to hire someone to handle Sunday farm stand and distribution. Is this the smartest financial decision? No, not by a long shot. But I've been working Saturday markets and Sunday farm stand/CSA for close to 5 years now. It was exhausting but manageable until I took on running the entire1 read more »
Growings on 5/10
The farmer lives and dies by the weather... and in this case, I'm simultaneously loving and cursing the cool temperatures we've had. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that we lost all our developing strawberries to hail two weeks ago. It hasn't gotten warm enough since then to have decent fruit set! So h1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 8, 2021
I'm trying to take a couple of days off, and largely failing if you describe success as not thinking about farming. I've spent a fair amount of time today wrestling with where the farm is right now and how I can get to where we need to be.
For the past year, I've looked up to Chris Newman at Sylvan1 read more »