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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Farm Happenings For Nov 25th, 2018
Everyone on the farm has been enjoying the respite from rain and cold!
Today I let the chickens free range in the barnyard to eat down some of the weeds growing through the bricks, and then paid for it when they decided to roost everywhere but the actual coop when it got dark. I don't1 read more »
Growings On at Ecosystem Farm
The ducks have discovered the duck pond! And if I ever figure out how to upload photos that are correctly oriented, there will be a picture because it's really adorable.
90% of the focus around the farm at the moment is getting seedlings and seeds into the ground - possibly followed by gettin1 read more »
Farm Happenings for October 14, 2018
Last week we finally got our duck pond dug and filled! It's about 15 feet wide by 4 feet deep, and the ducks weren't quite sure what to make of it at first.
But then I went to feed them yesterday, and they all came running from the pond. Gotta love those quackers :D
Next step wil1 read more »