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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Growings On 4/29/19
It's time to swing for the fences. I've spent the past 6 months planning expansions, and I thought I had a solid business partner to work with.
Not so much on the business partner front (she quit), but I did manage to pick out two rock solid employees.
Now I just need to figure out how1 read more »
Growings On 4/22/19
Proving that my life is 100% farm related (or at least it will be, after I sell the house!) - I'll be performing at an event tonight to raise funds to plant fruit trees on farms in Atlanta.
So if you want to see yours truly as a vocalist in the Farmer's Jam, come out to Monday Night Brewing between1 read more »
Growings On 4/17/19
There are days when things on the farm feel like one of those long lines of dominos - except instead of every domino falling quickly, it can take days or weeks between each one. But yesterday we knocked down a domino that will let a lot more dominos fall in the coming days - we moved the bird1 read more »
Growings On 4/7/19
Very odd to be sending out next week's shares when last week's won't be delivered until Tuesday... but there's only so many hours I can sleep in a day, and I'm going to try to respect the schedule. For those who haven't been down to our cooler, here's how to get there on Tuesday:
1) Park in t1 read more »
Growings On 4/1/19
It feels incredibly chaotic on the farm, but when I take a step back it's really amazing how well everything is coming along. This is the first season where everything has been in the ground pretty much on time! We're hitting some bumps with seeds germinating through the wood chip mulch1 read more »