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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Growings on 9/30/19
After six long weeks, it finally, finally rained!! Of course it had to happen after I spent three hours lugging water to the fruit trees, but a half inch of rain is worth so much more than my standing over a tree with a hose for five minutes.
This week is the final big push for getting the l1 read more »
Growings On 9/23/19
Banana leaves! Bamboo! Steeped tea leaves!
When I'm not prepping rows or planting fall crops, I find myself spending a lot of time thinking about decomposition. Specifically, the ingredients I can find locally to create diverse compost piles which then lead to soil with a diversit1 read more »
Growings on 9/16/19
There may be four more weeks of the summer share, but I have some of the fall stuff ready to go so I'm going to start feeding it in! And let's be honest, it still feels like summer. It's taken two irrigation timers (the first one wasn't waterproof, wtf??) running on a 30 minutes on, 6 h1 read more »
Growings On 9/9/19
I'm not sure what I just experienced, but it's as close to a miracle as I've ever come. I'm atheist, but that was a hell of a coincidence.
I've been trying to replace the ridge pole on the high tunnel for weeks. It's the kind of thing that's super sturdy when everything is connected, but fal1 read more »
Growings On 9/2/19
Apparently the sweet peppers this week had a bit of a kick to them... Sorry! They were supposed to be a mix of Mira and Oda, both of which were completely sweet when I grew them last year. Though I did save seed from the row furthest from the hot peppers and kept my fingers crossed that1 read more »