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Farm Happenings at Ecosystem Farm
Farm Happenings for July 31, 2021
We've entered the part of summer where it's just hot. On the farm we're putting up deer fence, weeding beds and tweaking our microgreen production to try to minimize the mold that's been wiping out our pea trays. Once the fence is up, we'll move about 1500 seedlings from the greenhouse to the field1 read more »
Growings on 7/19/21
So much of farming is about timing. The difference between planting strawberries in November compared to strawberries in January can be the difference between having a few pounds per plant and having a handful per plant. Putting fall greens in the ground in September can get you a harvest in Novemb1 read more »
Growings On 7/12
How many bugs can you find munching on this cabbage? I rarely grow cabbage for multiple reasons, but this spring I was gifted a flat of late Dutch seedlings and figured they could occupy some empty beds.
In an ideal world, we would have had perfectly biodiverse soil and would potentially have1 read more »
Growings on 7/5/21
I don't mention it often here, but I manage the Dunwoody Farmers Market on Saturdays. I'm mentioning it now, because the market this Saturday has the potential to reach a milestone I didn't think would happen this soon - we're on track to have 50 booths! It's an artisan market, which is something I1 read more »